A new year

Praise the Lord, that’s the festive season over for another year. Once Boxing day is out of the way everything begins to feel stale and turgid. After the months of hype and preparations it’s a blessing for things to start getting back to normal. Normal TV, normal shops and normal food. This is our third year participating in Veganuary. It get easier every year and it’s something we look forward to after the excesses of Christmas. We have eaten well and healthily and feel better for it.
We did manage to get out a few times but it was pretty wet and soggy underfoot. Unless you got out early in the day it was pretty busy at all the usual places. I managed to get a great photograph of the weir at Snuff Mills, handheld, which I managed to impress myself with.
Far to early in the month and with an enormous groan, it’s back to work. And we’re back to wearing face masks in communal areas and in classrooms. Add in wearing a mask on the bus mean I’m wearing a face mask pretty much all day. By now, I’m used to it, and it’s easy to forget I’m wearing one. And people moan about wearing one popping in to a shop! Case rates in Bristol and the school are high so, no matter what Boris says our precautions remain.
It’s dark in the mornings, far too many bright lights at work, and dark by the time I get home. While I can struggle with the tedium of the daily routine in January there are signs of better things to come. Bulbs are peeking through and it’s getting noticeable lighter at both ends of the day. Spring is only a few weeks away. I think we’re all looking forward to that…