A shiny new apple

I got my first PC in 1995, a Windows machine that cost an arm and a leg. There have been many, many computers since then and all have come with whatever version of Windows that was then current, except Vista, thankfully. I’m probably the only person that didn’t mind window 8. My workplace runs Windows 7. I live in a world pretty much Microsoft shaped.
And I have a Windows phone!
Actually it’s a really nice phone, cheap and cheerful, does the job really well! But it can be a bit lonely. See that nice photography app, it’s IOS and Android only. Repeat that umpteen times over.
I do have one Apple product though. One very, very old iPod shuffle and on its last legs. It’s time for a replacement and it’s either an iPod Nano or iPod Touch. The iPod Touch is £30 more than the Nano but is basically an iPhone without the phone bit. It seems ridiculously over the top for a portable music player but hey, it’s only £30 more than the very basic and dull Nano.
First impressions. It looks absolutely gorgeous and slim with a lovely looking retina screen. There’s access to all the apps and doo-dahs going and the whole thing is nicely responsive.
It doesn’t come with a manual of any worth and the headphone plug juts out awkwardly at the bottom so it sits in my pocket upside down. The headphones themselves take a bit of getting used to.
Anyway, Lightroom mobile is now on it and Snapseed and…. I can see I’m going to have a busy two weeks Easter holiday.
And did I mention it’s basically an iPhone.