Anti-Austerity protest

Another weekend, another protest march. You can tell when the Tories are in power. Bristol’s mayor called for this rally to protest at the government cuts imposed on the city. Funding is being savagely cut from budgets across all parts of the city. So it was time to get out the banners and prepare for protest!
There was a very large turnout from many sections of society all gathered ready for the march. At the moment the march started to leave College Green the heavens opened. The rain was torrential and lengthy but the Samba band did an amazing job of keeping spirits high. I had to put my non-waterproof camera under my jacket to keep it dry which was very frustrating. We carried on, trudging through sodden streets until the rain stopped, the Sun came out, and we began to dry out.

We arrived at Bristol’s main shopping area, much to the bemusement of many of the shoppers. Those sat at bus stops must have been aware that they were in for a long wait. The march seemed to stretch back a long way as it snaked along busy streets but it was difficult to grasp the size of it. It was as far as the eye could see in front of us and behind us. We were moving at quite a pace so it was quite a job to take photographs while walking.

Eventually we arrived back where we had started, College Green, tired but happy to have taken part. The approaching menacing clouds made the decision to skip the speeches an easy one. Getting soaked once for the cause was enough…