Malvern Spring Show 2022

Malvern Spring Show 2022

Malvern Spring Show 2022 An early start for our first RHS Malvern Spring Festival since the pandemic and it was good to be back. I not sure my wallet appreciated it though. An early start for our first RHS Malvern Spring Festival since the pandemic and it was good to...
Storm day

Storm day

And so to February. I don’t know about you but in my younger days February was the month when the big freeze arrived and your pipes burst. It was balaclavas, knitted mittens your mum made and a ton of blankets and eiderdowns on your bed…

A new year

A new year

Praise the Lord, that’s the festive season over for another year. Once Boxing day is out of the way everything begins to feel stale and turgid. After the months of hype and preparations it’s a blessing for things to start getting back to normal…

Jingle bells

Jingle bells

And here we are again! Another festive season accompanied by rising covid cases and potential restrictions. With some of our extended family away and some feeling not well, we are in familiar, just the two of us, territory.

What I did on my holidays

What I did on my holidays

Well, that’s the summer holidays just about done and dusted. Although, to be truthful, there’s not been a lot of dust. I may have a dislike of very hot weather but it’s been a bit so-so in the weather department. The long lost sunny blue sky days of our youth never quite seems to match the reality of a British summer…

Here comes summer?

Here comes summer?

Phew! At long last Term 6 has come to an end, and as Alice Cooper sang, ‘School’s out’ for the summer.
Hurrah for the Summer Holidays then! It’s been a tough old year in education and it’s a miracle we’ve all managed to get to the end in relatively one piece.