Chocolate season…
Nothing says the ‘Lord has risen’ more than a cheap Easter egg emblazoned with a cartoon character…
Nothing says the ‘Lord has risen’ more than a cheap Easter egg emblazoned with a cartoon character…
Ages ago I purchased some add on lenses for my iPhone. They were bought late on in the Christmas sales period and arrived just as I was about to return to work. They were used briefly, then put to one side..
This book arrived mere days before Christmas. It will be of no surprise that the idea I had of spending time with it over the holiday failed quite miserably…
Woke early and pulled back the curtains to find a super thick blanket of snow had settled overnight. Wahoo!
The custom of wassailing dates back to pre-Christian times. The word ‘wassail’ comes from the Anglo-Saxon phrase ‘waes hael, and means ‘be well’ or ‘be in good health’.
Yay! it’s back to waking up at stupid o’clock to catch the 7am coach to London for the school Art gallery trip again. And it was as freezing cold as I remembered the last time.