So this is Christmas…
Like you I’ve spent far too much money, written lots of lists and trudged around far too many shops for my liking.
Like you I’ve spent far too much money, written lots of lists and trudged around far too many shops for my liking.
It’s dark in the morning now when I rise for work. There’s a chill in the air and that familiar reluctance to emerge from under the warm duvet has returned. As the long hot summer fades away to reveal the coming autumn the light is noticeably different now…
This one was taken while on a walk at Snuff Mills in Bristol after heavy overnight rain. When we reached the weir the river was running pretty fast and wild. Here I’ve experimented with a longer shutter exposure – but with no tripod at my disposal I had to attempt the task hand held!
At last! The Summer holidays have finally and mercifully arrived. A handful of weeks with the promise of catching up with life, the absence of an alarm clock and a blessed relief from the classroom.
Yes, get the bunting out and blow up the party balloons because it’s my birthday today. And it’s a milestone year – I’ve actually managed somehow to make it to 60 years of age.
Bristol’s Harbourside area is full of history and interesting things to photograph. I passed through during an early morning stroll to check out Whapping Wharf. Here are a couple of photographs taken on my Sony RX100 II camera.