Let the festivities begin

Let the festivities begin

The many, many weeks of madness and preparation are finally over. The presents have been bought and wrapped and the cupboards are bulging with food and drink. Here, at the darkest time of the year, it is time to sit back and relax and catch our breath and plan for the year ahead.

Anti-Austerity protest

Anti-Austerity protest

Another weekend, another protest march. You can tell when the Tories are in power. Bristol’s mayor called for this rally to protest at the government cuts imposed on the city. Funding is being savagely cut from budgets across all parts of the city. So it was time to get out the banners and prepare for protest!

Adobe Photography plan

Adobe Photography plan

I became aware that Adobe were pushing an offer my way and the clock was ticking on an end to it. The Creative Cloud Photography bundle, for that was what it was, was perhaps an offer I could not refuse, or could I?