Elswick Kids – Tish Murtha
This book arrived mere days before Christmas. It will be of no surprise that the idea I had of spending time with it over the holiday failed quite miserably…
London calling…
Yay! it’s back to waking up at stupid o’clock to catch the 7am coach to London for the school Art gallery trip again. And it was as freezing cold as I remembered the last time.
No tripod necessary…
This one was taken while on a walk at Snuff Mills in Bristol after heavy overnight rain. When we reached the weir the river was running pretty fast and wild. Here I’ve experimented with a longer shutter exposure – but with no tripod at my disposal I had to attempt the task hand held!
Bristol Harbourside stroll
Bristol’s Harbourside area is full of history and interesting things to photograph. I passed through during an early morning stroll to check out Whapping Wharf. Here are a couple of photographs taken on my Sony RX100 II camera.
Church views
After another hard day in the “office” I decided to cut through St Mary Redcliffe church on the way home. It was a sunny day and the light inside was good so I had a quick wander and saw a few things I’d not seen before.