And so the final week of the Summer term arrives and we drag our exhausted minds and bodies in for the last few days. Lessons and teaching are over for another year and instead we go out and about on trips with our students. First up, is the trip to Brunel’s SS Great Britain
This year it was a ludicrously early, freezing cold start to the trip with the added bonus of the threat of snow. Yes, it was time for the annual art/photography trip to London. With my bag rammed full of hat, scarf, gloves and food I was hopefully prepared for the long day ahead.
Our annual trip to the top of the Mendip’s for what would be our 10th Priddy Folk Festival. It’s a well organized but nicely laid back event, and home to exceptionally good music and tasty cider.
An early start in the dark to travel up to London on an school trip to support one of our special needs students. After what seemed to be a very long journey we left the coach onto the busy London streets. Our first port of call was Tate Modern for a very brief one hour visit.