Day of the dead day
Well, the clocks have already gone back an hour. And it’s the Day of the Dead, Halloween, or Samhain (take your pick) and Guy Fawkes time of year. This photograph shows quite an impressive shop display I spotted nearby.
Well, the clocks have already gone back an hour. And it’s the Day of the Dead, Halloween, or Samhain (take your pick) and Guy Fawkes time of year. This photograph shows quite an impressive shop display I spotted nearby.
Bit of a surprise, as it wasn’t forecast, but it rained today! Well, saying it rained is quite possibly quite a bit of an exaggeration on my part. More the occasional intermittent light drizzle, with the emphasis on light…
And so to February. I don’t know about you but in my younger days February was the month when the big freeze arrived and your pipes burst. It was balaclavas, knitted mittens your mum made and a ton of blankets and eiderdowns on your bed…
Praise the Lord, that’s the festive season over for another year. Once Boxing day is out of the way everything begins to feel stale and turgid. After the months of hype and preparations it’s a blessing for things to start getting back to normal…
And here we are again! Another festive season accompanied by rising covid cases and potential restrictions. With some of our extended family away and some feeling not well, we are in familiar, just the two of us, territory.