Elswick Kids – Tish Murtha

This book arrived mere days before Christmas. It will be of no surprise that the idea I had of spending time with it over the holiday failed quite miserably. Despite best intentions, it ended up being cast to one side during the main part of the festivities. Now that that hullabaloo has long subsided I can spend some proper time with this excellent book.
The book’s photographs focus on a working-class area of Newcastle in the late ’70s. It highlights a time, now long gone, when children enjoyed the freedom to play outside and get very dirty. I remember those times well and the book evokes many memories from my own childhood in London. You went out to play with your mates and only came back when you were hungry.
Funded by a Kickstarter campaign by her daughter Ella, the book is of excellent quality. Both beautiful and moving the book is highly recommended, get one while you can.