The Privacy Policy Page
Yet another privacy page
Hi, I don’t know what possessed you to come and have a look at this privacy page, maybe you’re having trouble sleeping. Maybe you like to read long, incomprehensible legal mumbo-jumbo that makes you brain explode. If you are one of these people I’m hoping you’ll be disappointed.
As far as I’m concerned a privacy policy that no one wants to read or can understand is pointless. Under GDPR it has to be ‘concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible.’ So here is my attempt at making something tediously boring a bit more palatable to read.
So, lets roll up our sleeves, take a deep breath and lets get on with it.
Who am I?
- My name is Mark Pearson. I am the only person who has access to your submitted data. I don’t have the time or inclination to do bad things with your data. You can contact me by email – ma**@st*****.uk
- My website address is:
How do I protect visitor information?
- This website is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This is indicated by the green “padlock” icon thingy up there, top left, in the address bar.
- This ensures that any data you submit is private and safe from eavesdropping.
- Hosting is provided in the UK by Host Presto. They seem nice people and have responded quickly when ever I’ve need them. Their Privacy Policy is here.
- I use Wordfence Premium, one of the leading WordPress security plugins which protects over 2 million websites. Wordfence Premium scans and protects my website from malicious attacks and keeps your data safe from hackers. Take that hackers! Their Privacy Policy is here.
- I have a touch of OCD. Trust me, all WordPress files, themes and plugins are kept up to date.
Contact Form / Email
- The contact Form collects your name and email address. This is so that I can contact you regarding your enquiry.
- You can contact me and ask to view and/or delete the data I hold on you.
- Any emails sent by me will only be in connection with enquiries made.
- I use the Askimet spam filter and Clean Talk paid anti-spam service to help fight spam.
- I do absolutely nothing nefarious with your data. I will not sell it, share it, rent it or barter any of your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail.
- Like every other website on the planet I use Google Analytics. I’ve turned off IP caching which is a good thing privacy wise, not that I would know what to do with an IP Address if I could find it.
- Once in a blue moon, when I remember and have absolutely nothing else to do, I check out my site stats. There’s a certain thrill of finding that someone from Mongolia visited my site for 1 second. Or marvel that someone still uses Window 95.
- By default WordPress does not collect any personal data about you.
- By default Elegant Themes, who supply the theme I use, do not collect any personal data about you.