Summer Holidays

After returning from a wonderful few days away on the Essex coast I find myself faced with, seemingly, a bazillion photographs to sift through and edit.
I find I’m doing two jobs. I’m sifting for holiday snaps. I’m also a sifting for something a bit more ‘photographic and black and white-able’. And I’m back at work on Monday so time in the evenings will become a premium, but slowly, photo by photo the job will get done. Eventually!
The East coast is somewhere I’m not really familiar with at all. Walton-on-the-Naze, where we stayed, is surrounded by salt marsh and the sea. Evening walks were accompanied by the sounds of Curlews and other wading birds. The Sun would rise over the sea and set over the salt marsh. The evening light was awesome.
On the last day we ventured down to Clacton for the Air Show. We hung around for a bit but there’s only so much you can take of small biplanes doing aerobatics. Just at the point when we started thinking of turning around and heading back an enormous deafening sound filled the air. The only remaining airworthy Vulcan bomber slowly flew over and did its stuff. And then the Battle of Britain planes, Spitfire, Hurricane and two Lancasters. It was difficult trying to take photographs as I was more interested in watching what was going on but I got one or two decent shots.
Right, more editing to do!